Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the Broke and Bookish

Hey guys! So this weeks TTT is top ten facts about me. Every time I see this on my blog, or in a form of tag, that I have to write any kind of fact about myself, I begin to question who I am! It is like my brain goes into overdrive and I can’t remember anything about myself – which is obviously ridiculous! Anyway, here are 10 facts about myself, and hopefully it won’t take me an age to write!!

10. I speak two languages. English is my mother tongue, and I also speak German, considering I live in Germany.

9. I got married at 18! I also go a lot of flack from everyone who wasn’t my dad… They all believed I couldn’t get married at 18 and that it wouldn’t last. Here I am, 4 years later, still married, with a cute little child, living in Germany with said German husband.

8. I love to bake, and I am actually pretty good at it (if I do say so myself)! The only problem when I bake, is that my kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it afterward and the clean up process is normally a long one because I like to procrastinate!

7. I am a coffee junkie. Obviously. I can’t live without the stuff and it is even better when I have chocolate to dip into it!

6. I can be completely accident prone at times. I remember ice skating with a bunch of my friends and my then boyfriend, we crashed into each other and I managed to bruise the bone in my knee (which hasn’t been right since) whilst at the same time kneeing my then boyfriend in the privates… with the other knee. I don’t even know how that happened, but it was hilarious and we still laugh about it even now… and we blame each other for the crash!

5. I didn’t plan a single detail of the wedding. I literally only planned the dress… which I didn’t even do! My dad designed it in his head and then had it hand made for me! I married under Islam (he’s a muslim) and under German law… so my wedding went on over an entire weekend with what felt like thousands of people!

4. The first thing I craved during my pregnancy (in amongst the throwing up and the staying in hospital for a week because of the throwing up) was corner yoghurts from Müller! Now, when I look at a corner yoghurt, I feel like I could throw up all over again purely because I ate so many of them!

3. My favourite read of 2016 so far is ACOMAF! I love it and I still think about it and I may jus re read it for the heck of it!

2. As of yesterday, I have become addicted to Pokemon Go! It hasn’t technically been released here yet, but I love it and it is a great way to get me out of the house! Casually fulfilling a childhood dream here!

1. I do not own bookshelves!! All of my books are stacked in the corner away from my sons wondering hands! I also have two stacks on my nightstand which are new buys, favourites, TBR’s, current read etc. My husband used to despair when I buy books, but he has gotten used to it by now!!

That’s it! Thankfully it didn’t take that long to write, although I was staring around the kitchen looking for inspiration about my life! Clearly I have issues!

What facts have you written about yourselves, blogs, bookish habits etc? Feel free to leave links and comments and I will check them all out! 

45 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday

    • lry93 says:

      I moved here four years ago to marry my husband 🙂 we are, although I am near Denmark, so like one end of the street and your on the other! 😀

      • Kat Impossible says:

        I am so happy that your marriage is a good one and that you are happy! 😀 18 is young, but that’s something you have to decide for yourself anyway. So, good on you 😀
        And yes, almost more like opposites of town hahaha

      • lry93 says:

        It was pretty rough at the beginning, but I knew it was right and I just went with it! 🙂 that’s true! I have driven through and breakfasted in Austria twice though when going to Italy! 🙂 I felt like I was in a bowl!! 😂

      • lry93 says:

        Well, hopefully I will be visiting the bowl again at some point… But I struggle to understand the Austrian accent… Any kind of accent that isn’t the one I learnt sounds funky!!

      • lry93 says:

        I just end up getting some really funky faves when I stare blankly at them… Normally I think about it and about 10 minutes later I.m understand what was said… But by that time it is way too late! It’s like Bayern… What is with that accent? I was there and I understood nothing the entire time!

      • Kat Impossible says:

        Hahahaha the Bayern people can have super heavy accents! But I think they sound funny and nice and warm at the same time. I met a couple actors from there, they would clap me on the shoulder and I would almost topple over, but they were super nice.

      • lry93 says:

        Most of them are super nice, a bit gruff around the edges, but I still stared like a freak trying to figure out what they wanted from me 😂😂😂

    • lry93 says:

      Thanks!! You can always just ask me about myself, if you really want to know – I promise I won’t bite! 😂 it was rocky but definitely worth it!

    • lry93 says:

      Well… It was a loud wedding… And I find the wedding video actually pretty boring… I like the beginning, but I hate the music that was played and it is like 4 hours of dancing which is just 😴😴😴

  1. lindseyhabets says:

    Great list! I understand what you mean about starting to question yoruself when you have to write a list about yourself? I also had to think hard to come up with just 10 simple facts 🙂
    I love your wedding story! And I’m also a bit accident prone so I understand the struggle 😉
    And YES to ACOMAF and Pokemon Go 🙂

  2. rachelburden says:

    Wow congratulations on 4 years! I think when you know you know right? 🙂
    I love that your dad planned your wedding, I wish mine had! My dad made our list this week too.
    I also love baking but I’m pretty hit and miss on the results. I think I’m just to impatient for some things… icing for example.
    How on earth do you not have any bookshelves? My husbands not a book fan either, but thanks to my bookshelves he can’t really complain cos they’re not in his way.

    I’m loving this weeks topic.
    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

    • lry93 says:

      My husband planned the wedding, not my dad… I usually get pretty good results with the baking, except when I tried to make doughnuts, because that went pretty pear shaped! I don’t know! I have been meaning to get some ever since we moved in, but we keep having a discussion about what kind of bookshelves and then it never happens! Thanks 🙂 You too!

  3. Kat says:

    I am also a coffee junkie and trying really hard not to think about Pokemon Go! I spent about half my childhood playing the games on my Gameboy, so I don’t want to spend my young adulthood doing a real life version of that…but I’m sure the temptation will defeat me eventually. Great list!

    • lry93 says:

      I went to pretty great lengths to download it, so I gave up pretty quick! But it is so addictive! I guess it is a great way to get me out of the house!!

  4. Jamie Wu says:

    Congratulations on four years! Love knows no age 😀 Where were you from before moving to Germany?
    Also, HOW DID YOU GET POKEMON GO TO WORK?? I downloaded the apk and played with it for a while, and then it just stopped working. The GPS won’t connect and load the landmarks. 😦

    • lry93 says:

      Thanks! We literally celebrated our four year anniversary last week 🙂 I was born and raised in England 🙂 I lived in the same house literally all my life and the first time I move house, it’s to Germany to get married 😂😂 did you download the app app from niantic? The gane is having some major issues with its servers at the moment because it’s so popular, so you may just have to be patient! Or you could try moving somewhere else or restarting your phone?

      • Jamie Wu says:

        Haha, that sounds like an exciting experience. 😀
        No, it’s not out in my country’s PlayStore yet. Guess I’ll have to wait for the official release.

      • lry93 says:

        You can trick the app store into thinking that you are in America, like I did… it sounds like you’re on an android, but if its anything like the way I did it for my iPhone, you need to sign out of the account you have now, search for the app, press get or whatever, and then create a new account, but making it so that it thinks you are in america…

  5. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Great facts! I loved reading them and learning a little more about you! 🙂
    I really love baking as well, although I haven’t actually made anything in ages. But my kitchen always looks like a bombs gone off too. 😀 I try and tidy up a little as I go along but it never seems to work!
    Also it’s great you can speak two languages. I only know one but I’m learning Italian so hopefully I’ll be able to pick up another soon! 😀

    • lry93 says:

      Right? It just always looks so awful no matter what I do! German is pretty easy to learn when you get the hang of it! Except for the Der die das, I still have issues with that!

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

        It’s always worth it to get the baked goods, but after slaving over the mixtures and then baking the LAST thing I want to do is the washing up 🙂
        I think the same can be said of Italian, I guess once you do get the hang of it picking up other words and phases is a lot easier! 😀

  6. Anjie @ Love thy Shelf says:

    Oh cool! I’m learning German now because I had a crush on my German friend so I wanted to learn but I ended up really liking the language. ACOMAF is my favorite read of 2016 too! It was so good. I wanted to reread it right after I finished.

    • lry93 says:

      I actually really hate the language, but I have no choice but to speak it daily 😂😂 if I had the choice, I wouldn’t. So did I!! But it was ridiculously late at night and I always have to get up early because if my son!

  7. Annemieke says:

    People tend to quickly judge those that marry young. And while, yeah it doesn’t work for some, it can work for others. In the end it isn’t their choice to make. Good to hear it is working out for you.

    Waving at you from the Netherlands. 🙂 German writing and I never got along. I swear, my German high school teacher was exasperated with me because I was fine with listening and talking haha. Though I haven’t used it in years so I’m sure it isn’t quite so stellar at the moment.

    • lry93 says:

      *casually waving back!* 😂😂 that is so true! So many people questioned me as to why I would want to get married so young, but it is my choice to make in the end! I actually studied French and German and I constantly mixed them up! I actually failed both because I mixed them up in the exams!! 😂😂 and now look, I speak at least one of the languages!

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