Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday is weekly meme hosted here. To participate, choose a random book from your TBR and show it off. Don’t forget to link back here and feel free to link up in the comments so that others can see what you picked.

Hey guys! I hope you all had a great weekend! It has been FREEZING over here, so I’ve been hiding indoors and bingeing Vampire Diaries on Netflix.

Anyway, this weeks pick for me is a book I discovered recently and one I am excited to pick up.


Violent Ends by Shaun David Hutchinson

Published: September 1st 2015 by Simon Pulse

In a one-of-a-kind collaboration, seventeen of the most recognizable YA writers—including Shaun David Hutchinson, Neal and Brendan Shusterman, and Beth Revis—come together to share the viewpoints of a group of students affected by a school shooting.

It took only twenty-two minutes for Kirby Matheson to exit his car, march onto the school grounds, enter the gymnasium, and open fire, killing six and injuring five others.

But this isn’t a story about the shooting itself. This isn’t about recounting that one unforgettable day.

This is about one boy—who had friends, enjoyed reading, playing saxophone in the band, and had never been in trouble before—became a monster capable of entering his school with a loaded gun and firing bullets at his classmates.

Each chapter is told from a different victim’s viewpoint, giving insight into who Kirby was and who he’d become. Some are sweet, some are dark; some are seemingly unrelated, about fights or first kisses or late-night parties. This is a book told from multiple perspectives—with one character and one event drawing them all together—by some of YA’s most recognizable names.

38 thoughts on “Goodreads Monday

    • lry93 says:

      It is definitely sad that these things still happen and that no preventative measures are taken to try and stop them. I hope you have a great week too! 🙂

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