Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday is a weekly meme hosted here. To participate, choose a random book from your TBR and show it off! Don’t forget to link back here and feel free ti add your links to the comments so that others can see what you picked.

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend! I forgot to click post this morning, which is why this is coming a little later in the day – sorry about that! Without further ado:


Hero at the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton

Published: February 1st 2018 by Faber and Faber

Once, in the desert country of Miraji, there was a Sultan without an heir.

The heir had been killed by his own brother, the treacherous Rebel Prince, who was consumed by jealousy and sought the throne for himself.

Or so it was said by some. There were others who said that the Rebel Prince was not a traitor but a hero…

In the final battle for the throne, Amani must fight for everything she believes in, but with the rebellion in pieces, and the Sultan’s armies advancing across the desert plains, who will lead, who will triumph, who will live and who will die?

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