Death Knocks by Miranda Hardy and Jay Noel

Death Knocks

Death Knocks by Miranda Hardy and Jay Noel

Published: September 26th 2014 by Quixotic Publishing

Who knew a knock at the door could rupture your entire world?

They don’t demand money or possessions…they want much more than that, they want your life.

Maverick is preparing for senior year: he’s no longer stuck in the “friend-zone” with the girl of his dreams, he’s looking forward to choosing the right college and being on his own, and he plans to have a blast along the way.

But a knock on the door changes all of that forever.

Maverick begins a mind-altering, life-changing journey to discover the truth—a truth that certain individuals will do anything to keep hidden.

Death Knocks is a Young Adult paranormal thriller about the strange global phenomenon known as the Black-Eyed Kids. Take a creepy and exciting ride in a world where myth meets reality.

Note: I received a review copy of this via Netgalley. This in no way influences my opinion.

I think the first thing that drew me toward requesting this book is the cover! It definitely sucked me in, and as soon as I read the synopsis, I knew I had to request it. Unfortunately, this just wasn’t for me and I ended up DNFing it.

I think, whilst the synopsis is definitely unique, the execution definitely lacked. I liked the idea of taken this particular urban legend because it’s not particularly represented (as far as I have seen). I struggled to keep up with the idea of the kids being what they were and I felt like it didn’t really fit into the urban legend scene itself in the sense of what it is.

I also found it difficult to connect to the characters. I felt like it was extremely choppy and it didn’t leave much room to get to know the characters themselves. Without that connection, I didn’t feel compelled to actually pick the book up and read it and often found myself doing something else.

Unfortunately this book just wasn’t for me and I don’t really have much else to say because I didn’t get that far into it. I felt like the writing was pretty choppy and didn’t allow connections to be made with main characters. I gave this book 1/5 star.

3 thoughts on “Death Knocks by Miranda Hardy and Jay Noel

  1. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Oh it’s a shame you didn’t enjoy this book Lauren. I will admit the blurb does sound interesting but it’s not the kind of book I’d pick up; the cover is a little too creepy and I am not a fan of the whole strange-children-thing either, kind of reminds me too much of The Shining which, although I haven’t read, really freaks me out.
    Still great review. 🙂

    • lry93 says:

      I know, the concept was so promising! I haven’t seen another book about this particular urban legend which is why I just had to pick it up! And that’s understandable! The cover is a tad creeptastic 😂

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